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Discover ways to activate your strengths to overcome adversity, practice mindfulness, support children and improve your relationships with these curated videos from our YouTube channel. Visit VIA Strengths on YouTube to see even more videos on applying strengths to live your best life.

Overcoming Illness with Strengths

Meet Lorna: she was bitten by her cat, which resulted in a serious bloodstream infection called septicemia.

She was left with serious paralysis from the waist down and limited movement in her upper body. She was later diagnosed with post-infectious disease syndrome and informed she had the potential for recovery but that it might take a long time.

That's when she turned to her character strengths to pull her through. In the video below, you will hear her amazing story. We encourage you to share this with others who may be recovering from an illness or disease.

Re-building a Life Through Character Strengths

Rodney Beamon had no job, no home, and no hope. Without any family supports, he had to do whatever it took to survive. But then he discovered VIA, and learned how to build upon his unique strengths, and it changed his life.

Embracing and Managing Change with Character Strengths

When facing a change, we can use our character strengths to choose how to approach it. Learn how your team can use their strengths to boost confidence, collaboration and cooperation in times of change.

The Science of Character

Character strengths are described as the capacities humans have for thinking, feeling, and behaving. Specifically, they are the psychological ingredients for displaying virtues or human goodness. VIA views each person as having a capacity for expressing any of the 24 character strengths in the VIA Classification. Some strengths are easier and more natural for the individual to express (their signature strengths), other strengths arise in particular situations where they are needed (phasic strengths), and other strengths are expressed to a lesser degree or lesser frequency (lesser strengths). Watch now.

Character Strengths and Remote Working

Remote work can increase your organization's talent pool and diversity of thinking, but for some it can be isolating. Applying character strengths can help remote and hybrid teams to feel connected, engaged and with a strong sense of belonging.

A Mindful Pause Exercise

Feeling anxious or stressed out? Try this brief mindfulness exercise to relax and bring forth one of your character strengths.

Character Matters

On September 22, 2016 over 90,000 schools, organizations and communities participated in Character Day and hosted events to discuss the importance of character development. Individuals were encouraged to complete the free VIA Survey to discover their strengths. Watch this video of students of Christchurch, New Zealand celebrating their unique character strengths!

Back to School List with Strengths

Help your students and children discover their strengths with the free, scientifically-validated Youth Survey.

Building Positive Working Relationships

Is your team struggling to collaborate? Knowing, growing and showing character strengths can spark greater engagement and connection, increased motivation, and improved workplace well-being.

Helping Your Child Be Their Best

Research shows that character strengths can help children succeed at school and in life. This video provides an easy, 4-step approach to helping your child become more aware of their strengths and also encouraging them to use their strengths more frequently. Learn how you can link their well-doing with their well-being in this fun video.

Meaningful Work

Do your team members feel that their work is fulfilling their purpose? Three character strengths connect us to a sense meaning, and using these strengths can boost collaboration and productivity.

A Character Strengths Revolution

In this presentation, Dr. Neal Mayerson discusses how positive psychology has brought into focus the aspects of our personality that we can mindfully attend to and subsequently improve our lives and the lives of others. As we attend to what is good in ourselves and in others, good things happen for us all.

Character Strengths and Mindfulness in the Workplace

When the use of character strengths is supported at work, teams enjoy higher well-being and greater engagement. Get to know the 5 facets of mindfulness—and how they can add an extra level of intention to your team's strengths practice.

Getting Started with Character Strengths

Did you know that more than 70% of people don’t know their character strengths? Research shows that focusing on strengths can help individuals, groups and organizations improve their relationships, life satisfaction and productivity. Unlock your group’s full potential through a guided strengths webinar.