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VIA-Youth-1-(VIA-Y-R1) (Age 8-12) Psychometrics

Strength Cronbach"s Alpha
Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence 0.78
Bravery 0.76
Creativity 0.73
Curiosity 0.72
Fairness 0.68
Forgiveness 0.82
Gratitude 0.74
Honesty 0.74
Hope 0.78
Humility 0.75
Humor 0.85
Judgment 0.79
Kindness 0.66
Leadership 0.83
Love 0.80
Love of Learning 0.85
Perseverance 0.68
Perspective 0.73
Prudence 0.71
Self-Regulation 0.65
Social Intelligence 0.59
Spirituality* 0.70
Teamwork 0.74
Zest 0.70

VIA Youth-1 Citation

Jermann, M., & McGrath, R. E. (2022). Revision of the VIA Inventory of Strengths for Youth: 1. Item development, selection, and initial validation. Manuscript in preparation

VIA Youth-1 Languages

English is the only language available at this time. If you are interested in translating this new version, please contact info@viacharacter.org. We will let you know if a translation is in process and/or the steps required to reach an official translation. Thank you for considering this.